Learn Everyday Used Words Which Are Confusing Sometimes

Here is the list of confusing words with their meaning and examples
Accept vs Except
Accept means to receive, agree or take.
Example: Steve accepted the new job offer.
Except means to exclude something or to leave out.
Example: Everyone contributed for charity except David and his brother.
Access vs Excess
Access means an ability to obtain or make use of something.
Example: Poor people has no access to technology like internet or smart phone.
Excess means an amount of something that is extra or more than necessary.
Example: Excess of salt in your diet can lead to serious health problems.
All together vs Altogether
All together is a phrase means in a group, all at once, all in one place or together.
Example: When it comes about fighting for a nation than we are all together.
Altogether means all things considered, completely or entirely.
Example: Poor financial condition can lead to divorce or avoid marriage altogether.
Wander vs Wonder
Wander is related to physical activity. It means to go somewhere (walk without destination) or travel.
Example: I want to be a wandering tourist and travel all around the world.
Wonder is related to mental activity. It means to lose focus, feel curious or feel amazed.
Example: I was wondering what time the store opens.
Compliment vs Complement
Compliment means to praise or admire someone.
Example: If a stranger calls me beautiful, I take it as a compliment, and say thank you.
Complement means goes well with others or it makes other thing complete.
Example: I think they are a perfect couple. They complement each other so well.
Stationary vs Stationery
Stationary is something that is not moving.
Example: Too many were injured as bus hits stationary truck.
Stationery is term used for office supplies like paper, pin, pencils etc.
Example: Everything related to office stationery is managed by admin department.
Adapt vs Adopt
Adapt means to become more suitable or adjusted to new conditions.
Example: We need to adapt to new policies as climate change is affecting every industry.
Adopt is generally used for child adoption but it also means to accept or take over.
Example: Famous filmmaker legally adopted popular songs from old classic movie.
Beside vs Besides
Beside means nearby or next to someone or something.
Example: Dog was sitting beside her but she did not even realize that.
Besides means apart from this; additionally; on top of that.
Example: Job satisfaction is very important besides high salary.
Further vs Farther
Further means at more advance stage or to a greater extent.
Example: Interest sales drops further as interest rate rises on home loan.
Farther means to a greater distance in space or time.
Example: If you walk a little farther from children's park, you will reach my home.
Device vs Devise
Device is an instrument or a machine that has been designed to do a particular job.
Example: A tiny device like smart watch can also save your life.
Devise means new way of doing things or to invent something new.
Example: A new technology has been devised to control traffic in the city.
Envelope vs Envelop
Envelope is a flat paper container used for sending letters.
Example: Security was at high alert after finding an envelope containing suspicious substance.
Envelop means to wrap up or cover something completely.
Example: Enemy always tries to envelop entire nation and not just a territory they've claimed.
Price vs Prize
Price is an amount of money you pay to buy something.
Example: Fluctuation in crude oil price affects our day to day life.
Prize is an award given to you for winning a competition.
Example: If win this competition than you will receive prize worth of $10,000.
Loose vs Lose
Loose means not very tight.
Example: I prefer wearing loose clothes in summer.
Lose means fail to win or perceive with the senses of mind.
Example: Do not lose hope. Sooner or later your dreams will come true.
Everyday vs Every day
Everyday means common or usual.
Example: Change in everyday habits can help you to improve both mental and physical health.
Every day means each or every single day.
Example: Food you eat every day can cause hair loss or growth.
Assure vs Ensure
Assure means to promise someone that something is true, especially when they're worried.
Example: I can assure you that I will never forget your birthday again.
Ensure means to make sure something is certain to happen.
Example: Web browsers and messaging apps must ensure data privacy.
Note: People can not be ensured and things can not be assured.
Affect vs Effect
Affect means to change something or someone; make a difference to something.
Example: Global warming affects sea animals as well, not just a human life.
Effect means result or outcome of something.
Example: Healthy diet and yoga can have a positive effect on both mental and physical health.
Whether vs Weather
Whether is used to express choice between two possible options.
Example: Some of us are still confused whether we should use solar energy or not.
Weather is atmospheric conditions at any place or time.
Example: I and my dad like watching weather report on news channel.
Quite vs Quiet
Quite means very much; absolutely; completely; fully; totally.
Example: It is quite possible that my dad will refuse to support my new business startup.
Quiet means silence or making no noise.
Example: Teacher started lesson and asked everyone to keep quiet.
Human Vs Humane
Human is related to man or pertaining to characteristic of humankind.
Example: Humans are most closely related to the chimpanzee and bonobo.
Humane means kind-hearted, compassionate or sympathetic.
Example: We need humane solution to save endangered animal species.
Then vs Than
Then means afterwards; at that time; on that occasion.
Example: For holiday we went to Shimla and then Manali.
Than is used to introduce second part of the sentence.
Example: I think playing online game is better than going out with friend.
Desert vs Dessert
Desert means an area with no life or water, like Sahara desert.
Example: Whenever I think about desert, it reminds me of Egypt and Pyramid.
Dessert is used for sweet course of meal, usually eaten after dinner.
Example: We enjoyed our desert more than a main course.
Personal vs Personnel
Personal is something related to an individual or a private matter.
Example: I don't think we should spend too much for personal fitness trainer.
Personnel refers to a group of people doing same work.
Example: Medical personnel in military also deserves recognition for their efforts.
Plain vs Plane
Plain means very simple and basic in character or very easy to understand.
Example: We should make it plain that war is criminal offense.
Plane means a flat surface; commonly used to define airplane.
Example: I do not like wearing plane clothes.
Their vs There
Their means something that belongs to a third person.
Example: They do not wash their car every day.
There is used to point out something at specific distance.
Example: There are some good restaurants nearby.
Principal vs Principle
Principal is the highest authority or chief person at a school
Example: Principal of my school was a strict lady. She always believed in firm values and ethics.
Principle means a fundamental rule of belief.
Example: My father is a man of principles.
Bear vs Bare
Bear means to tolerate, to hold or accept something.
Example: The film was so terrifying that I could hardly bear watching it.
Bare means not covered by anything.
Example: The dog bares its teeth when it is angry.
Born vs Borne
Born is used to talk about coming into the world at birth.
Example: He was born in the royal family with too much of wealth.
Borne means to carry something.
Example: He suffered from mosquito-borne disease and could not go to work.
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