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Back to the drawing board idiom meaning
Definition of expression back to the drawing board
Phrase back to the drawing board means to start planning once again from the beginning; to scrap the previous idea as it failed.
How to use idiom back to the drawing board in a sentence?
For example, I designed a logo for a client but it wasn't up to the mark. I'm going back to the drawing board now.
Why someone has to go back to the drawing board?
As one as tried everything possible to make things work but an effort as failed.
From where did back to the frawing board expression came?
When we start something new like project or design, we start planning it on a drawing board. So this expression refers to an initial phase of new plan or an idea.
How do we use back to the drawing board expression?
This idiom is used as a standalone phrase rather than as part of a sentence.
Origin of phrase "back to the drawing board"?
The origin of this phrase comes from an American artist named Peter Arno. His cartoon was published for New Yorker in 1941.
Phrase back to the drawing board means to start planning once again from the beginning; to scrap the previous idea as it failed.
How to use idiom back to the drawing board in a sentence?
For example, I designed a logo for a client but it wasn't up to the mark. I'm going back to the drawing board now.
Why someone has to go back to the drawing board?
As one as tried everything possible to make things work but an effort as failed.
From where did back to the frawing board expression came?
When we start something new like project or design, we start planning it on a drawing board. So this expression refers to an initial phase of new plan or an idea.
How do we use back to the drawing board expression?
This idiom is used as a standalone phrase rather than as part of a sentence.
Origin of phrase "back to the drawing board"?
The origin of this phrase comes from an American artist named Peter Arno. His cartoon was published for New Yorker in 1941.

break the bank meaning
What is the meaning of break the bank?
Definition of break the bank: It is an idiom used to tell someone cost is not too high. It means even if you buy something it will not break the bank. So you can easily afford to buy something.
Break the bank idiom in a sentence.
If you buy a phone with basic features than it will not cost you much. So do not have to break the bank to buy such thing.
Origin of idiom break the bank.
This idiom "break the bank" has origin of around 1600.
Definition of break the bank: It is an idiom used to tell someone cost is not too high. It means even if you buy something it will not break the bank. So you can easily afford to buy something.
Break the bank idiom in a sentence.
If you buy a phone with basic features than it will not cost you much. So do not have to break the bank to buy such thing.
Origin of idiom break the bank.
This idiom "break the bank" has origin of around 1600.

meaning of chasing rainbows
Chasing rainbows meaning
Definition of chasing rainbows, to pursue goals or try to something which is not real and very unlikely to happen.
Origin of idiom chasing rainbows
A rainbows is a real thing but it can not be touched. If you try to chase rainbows than you're making unnecessary attempt to pursue something which may never happen.
How to use chasing rainbows in a sentence?
This idiom 'chasing rainbows' can be used to describe a situation when someone is trying to achieve unrealistic goals. Like someone buys a lottery ticket, wants to become famous tv star, richest person on earth etc. This idiom is perfectly suitable if person does not have required talent or skill to reach that level.
How can we explain 'chasing rainbows' to kids?
We can encourage our kids to set goals which are real instead of chasing rainbows. Fancy dreams can reduce their chances to be successful in real world. Kids can be motivated to set goals as per their interests. Instead of dreaming to become celerity they should be guided to achieve something in their respective field.
Definition of chasing rainbows, to pursue goals or try to something which is not real and very unlikely to happen.
Origin of idiom chasing rainbows
A rainbows is a real thing but it can not be touched. If you try to chase rainbows than you're making unnecessary attempt to pursue something which may never happen.
How to use chasing rainbows in a sentence?
This idiom 'chasing rainbows' can be used to describe a situation when someone is trying to achieve unrealistic goals. Like someone buys a lottery ticket, wants to become famous tv star, richest person on earth etc. This idiom is perfectly suitable if person does not have required talent or skill to reach that level.
How can we explain 'chasing rainbows' to kids?
We can encourage our kids to set goals which are real instead of chasing rainbows. Fancy dreams can reduce their chances to be successful in real world. Kids can be motivated to set goals as per their interests. Instead of dreaming to become celerity they should be guided to achieve something in their respective field.

The writing is on the wall meaning
Meaning of the idiom writing on the wall.
Expression the writing on the wall meaning is to predict about future disaster. This expression indicates that clear sign or signal that something bad will happen in future.
How use idiom the writing on the wall in sentence?
An example for phrase the writing on the wall is, our company could not adapt new technology and survive against competitors. We failed to see the writing on the wall.
Expression the writing on the wall meaning is to predict about future disaster. This expression indicates that clear sign or signal that something bad will happen in future.
How use idiom the writing on the wall in sentence?
An example for phrase the writing on the wall is, our company could not adapt new technology and survive against competitors. We failed to see the writing on the wall.

idiom play with fire blog.jpg

written in stone meaning
Expression written in stone means it has been firmly established and can not be changed now.
How to use written in stone in a sentence?
Example for written in stone idiom is, "Rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer but it's not written in stone, things can be changed."
What are other idioms or phrases similar to written in stone?
Carved in stone, set in stone and written in stone are three idioms that has similar meanings.
How to use written in stone in a sentence?
Example for written in stone idiom is, "Rich is getting richer and poor is getting poorer but it's not written in stone, things can be changed."
What are other idioms or phrases similar to written in stone?
Carved in stone, set in stone and written in stone are three idioms that has similar meanings.

Meaning of recharge your batteries
What does 'recharge your batteries' mean?
Definition of 'to recharge your batteries' or 'to recharge one's batteries'. If you recharge your batteries, you take rest for some time. So you can regain your energy to get back to daily routine.
What is the meaning of recharge one's batteries?
To recharge (one's) batteries. To stop doing all the activities and hard work for a period of time and relax so that you feel energized again when you restart your daily routine.
How to use recharge your batteries in a sentence?
The phrase 'recharge your batteries can be used in an example as, John took off from work for two days after working over time for three weeks. He wants to recharge his batteries and get back to work with fresh mind.
Origin of an idiom recharge your batteries.
This idiomatic expression has been used by the famous British writer Winston Churchill. He used this expression while writing letters.
What are the synonyms for recharge your batteries?
Synonyms: re energise · be at leisure · take it easy · chill out · ease off · ease up · have a breather · take a break · take time off · regain one's strength · relax · sit back
Definition of 'to recharge your batteries' or 'to recharge one's batteries'. If you recharge your batteries, you take rest for some time. So you can regain your energy to get back to daily routine.
What is the meaning of recharge one's batteries?
To recharge (one's) batteries. To stop doing all the activities and hard work for a period of time and relax so that you feel energized again when you restart your daily routine.
How to use recharge your batteries in a sentence?
The phrase 'recharge your batteries can be used in an example as, John took off from work for two days after working over time for three weeks. He wants to recharge his batteries and get back to work with fresh mind.
Origin of an idiom recharge your batteries.
This idiomatic expression has been used by the famous British writer Winston Churchill. He used this expression while writing letters.
What are the synonyms for recharge your batteries?
Synonyms: re energise · be at leisure · take it easy · chill out · ease off · ease up · have a breather · take a break · take time off · regain one's strength · relax · sit back

not a spark of decency meaning
Definition of idiom not a spark of decency.
Meaning of not a spark of decency is lack of courtsey or politeness. If you do not have a spark of decency than you are very rude person.
How to use not a spark of decency in a sentence?
An example of an idiom not a spark of decency is "An old woman is stansing in a crowded bus but no one is offering her seat. Not a spark of decency."
What are other words for not a spark of decency?
Synonyms for not a spark of decency are modesty, courtesy, politeness, dignity, respectfulness etc.
Meaning of not a spark of decency is lack of courtsey or politeness. If you do not have a spark of decency than you are very rude person.
How to use not a spark of decency in a sentence?
An example of an idiom not a spark of decency is "An old woman is stansing in a crowded bus but no one is offering her seat. Not a spark of decency."
What are other words for not a spark of decency?
Synonyms for not a spark of decency are modesty, courtesy, politeness, dignity, respectfulness etc.

To be in the driving seat
To be at driver's seat is an idiom which means you are responsible for the situation.
Synonyms for an idiom to be in the driving seat are command, control, head, helm, lead, leader, leadership etc.
Example sentence for to be in driver's seat, Jim's wife is in the driver's seat, he can not decide anything without asking her.
Note: Do not get confused between an expression "backseat driver" and "In the driving seat". Both idioms has opposite meaning and it can be used in different situation.
Synonyms for an idiom to be in the driving seat are command, control, head, helm, lead, leader, leadership etc.
Example sentence for to be in driver's seat, Jim's wife is in the driver's seat, he can not decide anything without asking her.
Note: Do not get confused between an expression "backseat driver" and "In the driving seat". Both idioms has opposite meaning and it can be used in different situation.

Reach For The Stars Idioms Meaning
What does it mean when you say reach for the stars?
People use this idiomatic expression to encourage someone. So they can be very ambitious and aim for high goals in life.
Which are other phrases similar to reach for the sky?
Following phrases can be used instead of using reach for the sky.
1. Aim for the stars
2. Shoot for the stars
3. Aim for the fences
What is the origin of phrase reach for the stars?
The expression "reach for the stars" is claimed to have originated in Virgil's Aeneid poetry. Between 29 and 19 BC, this Latin poetry was written.
How to use reach for the stars in a sentence?
An example for reach for the stars will be, I will prepare for the Olympics and reach for the stars.
People use this idiomatic expression to encourage someone. So they can be very ambitious and aim for high goals in life.
Which are other phrases similar to reach for the sky?
Following phrases can be used instead of using reach for the sky.
1. Aim for the stars
2. Shoot for the stars
3. Aim for the fences
What is the origin of phrase reach for the stars?
The expression "reach for the stars" is claimed to have originated in Virgil's Aeneid poetry. Between 29 and 19 BC, this Latin poetry was written.
How to use reach for the stars in a sentence?
An example for reach for the stars will be, I will prepare for the Olympics and reach for the stars.

Meaning of mesmerized
Mesmerized means to be fascinated by someone or get someone's attention completely.
If you’re mesmerized by something than you keep looking at someone or something.
Synonyms of mesmerized are fascinated, hypnotized, spell-bound, spellbound, transfixed, enchanted.
If you’re mesmerized by something than you keep looking at someone or something.
Synonyms of mesmerized are fascinated, hypnotized, spell-bound, spellbound, transfixed, enchanted.

Meaning of dazzling
What is the definition of dazzling?
Meaning of dazzling: If you are amazed greatly by someone or something than you find it impressive. To give someone a compliment you can say "You have a dazzling smile".
What are the synonyms of dazzling?
Synonyms of dazzling are blazing, blinding, fulgent, glaring, glary, bright.
Meaning of dazzling: If you are amazed greatly by someone or something than you find it impressive. To give someone a compliment you can say "You have a dazzling smile".
What are the synonyms of dazzling?
Synonyms of dazzling are blazing, blinding, fulgent, glaring, glary, bright.

Meaning of gracious
Why do we call someone gracious?
If person is very polite and humble than we can call him/her gracious.
If you call someone gracious than that person has manners and regards for others.
What are the synonyms of dazzling?
Synonyms of dazzling are elegant, graceful, refined, merciful, friendly.
If person is very polite and humble than we can call him/her gracious.
If you call someone gracious than that person has manners and regards for others.
What are the synonyms of dazzling?
Synonyms of dazzling are elegant, graceful, refined, merciful, friendly.

Meaning of dirt cheap
What is the definition of dirt cheap?
Meaning of dirt cheap: If something is dirt cheap than it does not cost you much as it is very cheap.
What are the examples of dirt cheap?
Dirt chip in a sentence:
1. This property is dirt cheap.
2. She bought new clothes at dirt cheap price.
3. This shop always sells stuff dirt cheap.
Is dirt cheap formal or informal?
Dirt-cheap is used in informal language.
What are the synonyms of dirt cheap?
Synonyms of dirt cheap are cheap, discounted, moderate, budget, economical, low-cost, low-priced, modest, reasonable, inexpensive, cut-rate.
Meaning of dirt cheap: If something is dirt cheap than it does not cost you much as it is very cheap.
What are the examples of dirt cheap?
Dirt chip in a sentence:
1. This property is dirt cheap.
2. She bought new clothes at dirt cheap price.
3. This shop always sells stuff dirt cheap.
Is dirt cheap formal or informal?
Dirt-cheap is used in informal language.
What are the synonyms of dirt cheap?
Synonyms of dirt cheap are cheap, discounted, moderate, budget, economical, low-cost, low-priced, modest, reasonable, inexpensive, cut-rate.

Meaning of lackluster
What is the definition of lackluster?
Meaning of lackluster: If something or someone is lackluster than it does not have any shine or liveliness. It also means lacking in brightness.
What are the examples of lackluster?
Lackluster in a sentence:
1. His life is very dull lackluster.
2. Last one day match was lackluster performance by our team.
3. She was considered as a lackluster student in her school.
What are the synonyms of lackluster?
Synonyms of lackluster are dull, boring, uninspiring, unexciting, uninteresting.
Meaning of lackluster: If something or someone is lackluster than it does not have any shine or liveliness. It also means lacking in brightness.
What are the examples of lackluster?
Lackluster in a sentence:
1. His life is very dull lackluster.
2. Last one day match was lackluster performance by our team.
3. She was considered as a lackluster student in her school.
What are the synonyms of lackluster?
Synonyms of lackluster are dull, boring, uninspiring, unexciting, uninteresting.

Meaning Of Pursuit
You must have watched Will Smith movie 'Pursuit Of Happiness'. If playing with kids or puppy makes you happy then pursue it.

Meaning Of Prolific
Three different meaning of prolific:
1. Intellectually productive
eg. Picasso was very prolific artist.
2. To produce in abundance
eg. A prolific year for tomatoes.
3. High-scoring sports player
eg. Ronaldo is prolific football player.
1. Intellectually productive
eg. Picasso was very prolific artist.
2. To produce in abundance
eg. A prolific year for tomatoes.
3. High-scoring sports player
eg. Ronaldo is prolific football player.

Perk Up Meaning
To make yourself feel cheerful or energetic you might need cup of tea or energy drink.
Examples for Perk Up:
1. Property prices will perk up next year. (Meaning: to increase in value)
2. Sudden twists in movie perk up otherwise boring storyline. (Meaning: to make it more interesting)
Examples for Perk Up:
1. Property prices will perk up next year. (Meaning: to increase in value)
2. Sudden twists in movie perk up otherwise boring storyline. (Meaning: to make it more interesting)

Lift Up Meaning
Things like music, gaming, or Netflix might lift you up if you're very tired.

Meaning of cheer up
Cheer Up means to make someone happy. eg. 🤗 My mother is upset. I want to find a way to cheer her up.

Meaning of brighten up
Brighten up means to make someone feel happier or to feel excited. eg. 🤑Her eyes brightened when we offered him tip for room service.

Meaning of Lighten Up
Used to express to be not serious or change of a mood in a positive manner. eg. Come on, lighten up! Why are you looking so stressed?

Meaning of Bear Up
Bear up means to behave in a brave way in a difficult situation or to deal with hardship. eg. Even though he lost his job he was bearing up well.

Meaning of Debacle
Define debacle: Word debacle means an embarrassing failure. eg. His first book was debacle but he still did not give up on writing.

Meaning of complacent
Complacent means to become overly content.
eg. After winning first two match our team became complacent.
eg. After winning first two match our team became complacent.
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